导读 Pig是一种数据流语言和运行环境,用于检索非常大的数据集。为大型数据集的处理提供了一个更高层次的抽象。Pig包括两部分:一是用于描述数据流的语言,称为Pig Latin;二是用于运行Pig Latin程序的执行环境。

1. 问题描述

收集日志avro数据中有两个Map字段appInstall、appUse分别表示已安装的app、正在使用的app,且key值为app的名称,value值为app使用信息。现在要得到一份匹配上购物类app支付宝|京东|淘宝|天猫的用户名单;MapReduce 解决办法如下:

public static class M extends Mapper {
    Text text = new Text();
    protected void map(String key, Pair value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Map data = value.fields.data;
        String dvc = data.get("dvc").toString();
        Map appInstall = (Map) data.get("appInstall");
        Map appUse = (Map) data.get("appUse");
        for(String app: appInstall.keySet()) {
            if(app.matches("支付宝|京东|淘宝|天猫")) {
                context.write(dvc, text);
        for(String app: appUse.keySet()) {
            if(app.matches("支付宝|京东|淘宝|天猫")) {
                context.write(dvc, text);


2. Bag正则匹配
A = load '//' using org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.avro.AvroStorage();
-- A: {key: chararray,value: (fields: (data: map[]))}

B = foreach A generate value.fields.data#'dvc' as dvc, value.fields.data#'appInstall' as ins:map[], value.fields.data#'appUse' as use:map[];
-- B: {dvc: bytearray,ins: map[],use: map[]}

C = foreach B generate dvc, KEYSET(ins) as insk, KEYSET(use) as usek;
-- C: {dvc: bytearray,insk: {(chararray)},usek: {(chararray)}}

在上述代码中,load 数据转换得到bag类型的app-set(insk与usek);但是,应如何遍历bag中的tuple与正则表达式做匹配呢?答案是UDF。

Apache DataFu Pig 提供了丰富的UDF,其中关于bags的UDF可以参看这里。TupleFromBag 提供根据index从bag提取tuple,支持三个输入参数。依葫芦画瓢,遍历bag匹配正则表达式的UDF如下:

package com.pig.udf.bag;

 * This UDF will return true if one tuple from a bag matches regex.
 *  There are two input parameter:
 *      1. DataBag
 *      2. Regex String
public class BagMatchRegex extends FilterFunc {

    public Boolean exec(Tuple tinput) throws IOException {

            DataBag samples = (DataBag) tinput.get(0);
            String regex = (String) tinput.get(1);
            for (Tuple tuple : samples) {
                if(((String) tuple.get(0)).matches(regex)){
                    return true;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return false;

其中,FilterFunc为过滤UDF的基类,继承于EvalFunc,即exec(Tuple tinput)的返回值必为Boolean类型。bag正则匹配的pig如下:

REGISTER ../piglib/udf-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
define BagMatchRegex com.pig.udf.bag.BagMatchRegex();
A = load '/user/../current/*.avro' using org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.avro.AvroStorage();
B = foreach A generate value.fields.data#'dvc' as dvc, value.fields.data#'appInstall' as ins:map[], value.fields.data#'appUse' as use:map[];
C = foreach B generate dvc, KEYSET(ins) as insk, KEYSET(use) as usek;
D = filter C by BagMatchRegex(insk, '支付宝|京东|淘宝|天猫') or BagMatchRegex(usek, '支付宝|京东|淘宝|天猫');
3. 优化


package org.apache.pig.builtin;

public class KEYSET extends EvalFunc {
    private static final TupleFactory TUPLE_FACTORY = TupleFactory.getInstance();

    public DataBag exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
        if(input == null || input.size() == 0) {
            return null;

        Map m = null;
        // Input must be of type Map. This is verified at compile time
        m = (Map)(input.get(0));
        if(m == null) {
            return null;

        DataBag bag = new NonSpillableDataBag(m.size());
        for (String s : m.keySet()) {
            Tuple t = TUPLE_FACTORY.newTuple(s);

        return bag;


package com.pig.udf.map;

 * This UDF will return true if map's key matches regex.
 *  There are two input parameter:
 *      1. Map
 *      2. Regex String
public class KeyMatchRegex extends FilterFunc {
    public Boolean exec(Tuple input) throws IOException
            Map m = null;
            // Input must be of type Map. This is verified at compile time
            m = (Map)(input.get(0));
            String regex = (String) input.get(1);
            for (String key : m.keySet()) {
                    return true;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return false;




